All men in this world are same ! a me they are not important !..they alway menyusah kan gurlz! hey !!...how dare them to conquer our life, huhhh??.. "hey dont busy body arh u pompuan ! juz stay at home and jage rumah !!"
fuhhhh agak kurang ajar ekk..but what else we can do,we only penampar,and sepak menyepak will happend....Hey,men !! u must know this....
We are women ! not weak owkey !! if not because we know our responsinle,dah lame we all belasah and do what we all have to do to the unresposible men,ufhhh ...so suck !!!that mennn....
Haaaa!!!..one thing,more men ni pantang see pompuan cantik2 and bergetah ! bile nampak fuhhh lamak ..!! they eyes look want to tersembul...even girfriends depan mate but still have a time to tackle gurlzs2 yg cantik tuhh !!... ewahhh ewahhh..*grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...!!
mentang-mentang lar awek xberape nak cun..wut mcm org cakap tu..suam-suam kuku !...but! remember ar sendiri !!..macam lah men tuh handsome sangat..if juz pandai menyemart but not have a visi of life....
Duduk rumah tanam anggur ..like thiz ke negara nak maju..??!! memang rrr ZAman dah berubah..but kalo men xberubah ..hancow malaysia niee...Huhhh !!... i think ar..they will not have u chance to married the men like thiz..coZ will hancowkan anak dare orang jek !!
Fuhhh !! molek2 thiz gurl stay in good situation...Suddenly malap the gurlz life..bawak stomatch yg boyot !!..isi anak haram jadah !!...gurlz pon kekadang same jek !!
Ade otak letak kat tapak KAKI !!...xrety nak thinks!!...so bad ! pity the gurlz kan ...Hope men and gurlz same2 la ubah sikap ..kalo x hancow ar anak bangse kiter !!..k choww dulu ..pape pown gua pon hanye anak patung PATRICK ..ade salah dan silap pada shbat baik gua mR ..spongebOB..pape pon gua serah balik pd tuan gua..
" HOh begitu lah akhir nye perbualan aku dgn anak patung patrick aku..agak panas kan...so sape jantan tu eh..?? korang yg bace ni mesti lelaki/perempuan kan..bukan JANTAN/BETINA...rase nye aku xterase kalo bace pos ni..haha wlaupon tunggang terbalik bahase inggeris rojak si PATRICK ni..ade pengajran nye di situ..so renung2 kan SELAMAT BERAMAL"
p/s : jangan marah aku...marah pd patrick..aku just sampai kan jek..k bye2..cin cau paulo..lalalaa.:P